59 and oh, so fine!
In a world that often glorifies youth and perpetuates the notion that beauty diminishes with age, it takes remarkable courage to challenge societal norms and redefine one's perception of self. Meet Gina, a remarkable woman who embarked on a transformative journey to celebrate her beauty at the age of 59. In her journey to love and appreciate the person she had become, Gina embraced vulnerability and chose a powerful medium to capture her essence— a photoshoot.
She resolved to see herself through a different lens — a lens of self-love and appreciation. Gina realized that a photoshoot would not only capture her external beauty but would also serve as a symbolic act of self-acceptance and empowerment.
Gina's decision to embark on a photoshoot at the age of 59 was not just about capturing her external beauty, but a powerful act of self-love and acceptance. Through the lens of the camera, she discovered the beauty that had always been within her, and in doing so, she challenged the notion that youth alone equates to attractiveness.

What motivated you to join the 40 over 40 project?
Recent life developments have left me feeling undesirable, unattractive and unworthy. Things I know in my heart are not true but my head was trying to convince me otherwise. I needed to combat that.

What's the best part of being over 40?
You know things! Seriously, time and life are great teachers and you spend more time each trusting your gut and honoring your heart.

If you could give your younger self advice, what would you say?
Don't be ruled by fear! Things are going to change so much that what you think may be limitations now probably won't be in the future. Live simply!
You don't really need to compete with others and your self worth is not determined by your wardrobe or car.

How did the photoshoot impact you?
I felt uplifted. I felt beautiful. Sarah's pictures captured my essence in a way I haven't seen in a long time. I actually saw myself as I am: wonderful!

Would you like to share anything to help others?
Getting older isn't a death sentence; it's actually a pardon to be the person who were always meant to be, who God created you to be. Trust yourself and Trust God!