Nicole has inspired so many people just by facing her fears. I’m so grateful for her because she decided to have a photoshoot that took a lot of guts.
Hearing that this photoshoot changed her life was the dream I had when I started this project. I want women to see themselves in a beautiful light, knowing they are not what society or even individuals have told them in the harshest ways.
After the photoshoot, she came to my networking event and shared her story and we all stood in awe of her vulnerability and journey. It’s a little too personal to share all the details here, but trust me, getting to know her is worth it.

What motivated you to join the 40 over 40 project?
I wanted to try to see myself in a photo the way my husband sees me.

What's the best part of being over 40?
Having so many difficult times in life behind me, so many lessons learned with me and so many adventures ahead of me!

If you could give your younger self advice, what would you say?
Try not to stress so much, stress changes nothing, life inevitably happens. You are strong enough to make it through so relax and have more faith in yourself.
How did the photoshoot impact you?
It gave me my self confidence back. It showed me the woman that my husband sees when he looks at me. It helped me finish healing from a brokenness that started many years ago, a brokenness that was never my fault but regrettably I allowed it to take me down.
Would you like to share anything to help others?
Every day is just a moment in time whether you're having a difficult day or an amazing day, always be grateful, for its just a moment in time.