
I am Strong

I started the “I am Strong” campaign, inviting women to discover and celebrate their beauty and strength and so I sought out women who have overcome challenges and would be willing to share their story in hopes that they could inspire other women to rise up.

One woman who inspires me is Tricia.

Everything you do is a challenge. If you stand strong in your beliefs, don't doubt yourself and are willing to listen to others ... You can accomplish anything.

Everything you do is a challenge. If you stand strong in your beliefs, don't doubt yourself and are willing to listen to others ... You can accomplish anything.

You are often your biggest roadblock. You were made you, for a reason -- take full advantage of that!


You are often your biggest roadblock. You were made you, for a reason -- take full advantage of that!

She told me, “Everything you do is a challenge. If you stand strong in your beliefs, don't doubt yourself and are willing to listen to others ... You can accomplish anything. You are often your biggest roadblock. You were made you, for a reason -- take full advantage of that!”

These words come from experience. She almost died on her honeymoon - has 2 year old triplets - and has worked diligently, getting bottom level jobs and working her way up, researching and creating positions to build her career. Although her degree is not in Human Resources, she has held two Director of HR positions with reputable long standing Columbus companies.

“I remember my parents always encouraging me and supporting anything I wanted to do. They always taught me to be proud of what I took an interest in and to stand behind my decisions.”

“Dad would say, “adapt and overcome.” I think this is what has made me become the “wild card” friend that will do and say anything.”

“I am strong headed and bold. Not afraid to do and say what I believe is right.”

“I apply this same principal in so many aspects of my life. My friends move away, I don't let the friendship falter. I adapt to the distance and overcome the challenges of keeping our relationships fresh and the never missing a beat.”

“I didn't have the experience or degree in HR to get the top level jobs, but I wanted it so I adapted and overcame.”

“Parenting, finances, struggles with motivation; it truly applies everywhere!”

Life is hard, wear a helmet!

Another motto Tricia lives by is “Life is hard, wear a helmet!” I can see why!

“I nearly died on my honeymoon. I contracted a bacterial infection that they have never seen in the States. By the time I got back to the US they said I was hours from death. This taught me to truly love each day. You never know when it will be your last.”

“I had triplets 2 years ago! It has taught me a lot about patience. I somehow don't think triplets are that hard? I am a great multitasker. Ha Ha! I struggle greatly with body image. I have two medical issues that separately make it extremely hard to lose weight. Now pair them together.... Lol, I often don't see myself the way my husband does. I struggle with feeling pretty after going through having the triplets. I'd love to feel good about myself.”

(Tricia told me that she did feel beautiful at our session and just look at her pictures! She is gorgeous!)

“Realize what you have... many opportunities! I made my own career. I have no educational background in Human Resources but decided that was what I wanted to do and made it work for myself through getting bottom level jobs and working my way up. I researched laws and all I needed to know. I have started two HR departments from the ground up and I am now the Director of Human Resources at a submetering water company.”

I asked if she could give me three tips to overcome hard situations.

  • Have an open mind... see potential and both sides of a situation.
  • Realize this isn’t a road block, it’s a temporary change.
  • Make a time sensitive list and cross it off! Use the 5 minute task rule... just do it now if it takes less than 5 mins.

We had our magazine style photo session at Gantz Park in Grove City, Ohio.


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